Owasso High School Class of 1979
Memories of Growing up in Owasso
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Chili Burgers

I remember at the 6th grade Center sneaking out of PE early to get a head start for the race to the Ram Shack so you could be first to order the 25 cent chili burgers! I got 50 cent every day for lunch form my Mom...... And dont forget Dip Cones at Taste Freeze when they had the red chocolete dipping goo...... 

William King

Gosh,  every year has many memories.  However, during our elementary days, two events stand out for me.  Both happened in sixth grade. One was the circle. Remember how all the boyfriends would take their girlfriend to the circle at recess and hold their hand.  I remember, Mark Young and I going days without joining the circle.  But the day we broke down and joined the circle,  is the day we were all sent to the principal’s office.  There we received our  lecture on what people would think when they drove by and saw us all holding hands.  You would have thought we were making out or something.  I was humiliated.  However, that humiliation was nothing compared to chasing Allen DeVour (I refuse to use the name we called him in those days) and falling head first into a mud puddle.  Mud dripped off my eyelashes and I put a big hole in my favorite purple corduroy pants.  Mud was literally covering me from my head to my toes. Mr. Scott  made me sit in class like that until my mother came and brought me new clothes and a towel.  In Junior High, I remember the slave sale days. My buyer didn’t want me as his slave but made me pretend to be his girlfriend all day. I remember the day that Elvis died and Pam Bowers and I sat  in the gym during P.E.  and cried like we had lost our closest friend.  In High School, I remember the choir trip. Thanks to a snow storm, buses driving off the roads, and hospital visits we were 24 hours late getting home.

Though these are great memories, my greatest memories is of all the wonderful friends I spent 13 school years with. 


Tonya Scarbrough Thompson


Tonya Scarbrough
Flag Pole

Another incident I remember from the ninth grade that seemed funny 'at the time', not necessarily now;... some small kid that got hoisted up the flag pole like the "Jolly Roger!"


Kevin McGaugh
The hair code in 9th. grade!

I remember being sent to the Assistant Principal, Dale Pride, for having my hair a little bit longer than Owasso's policy allowed. I was given the choice of a suspension, or i could go get a haircut. I was given permission to leave school. I walked all the way to the old part of downtown Owasso to get it cut, then returned. I remember thinking how can they make me do this? It was my first year at the school. I had never heard of anything like this. Luckily that outdated policy was nixed the following year. It was the mid 70's, everyone had long hair. Can you imagine trying to enforce a rule like that now? ..P.S. Luckily i had enough money on me to even get it done...LOL

Kevin McGaugh

When we were in Kindergarten my morning class was studying about President Lincoln and President Kennedy, as well as others.  When it came time to vote on a president for our class....you got it they elected me!!!!  However,  my mom had to come get me before the day was over.   She later got the story out of me.  I thought I was going to be assasinated because I was the class president.  Thankfully I was able to lift myself up and served you proudly as your vice-president of our Senior class.


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