Owasso High School Class of 1979
David McDonough
It has been so fun to work on the reunion committee over the years with Kim, Diane, Scott, Terri & the others who have helped us along the way. I am looking forward to seeing all of my childhood friends once again at future reunions. I have been especially excited that several of our teachers, coaches & administrators have joined us for reunions over the years and hope to continue to see them at future reunions. Some of them are not that much older than us! I have an open door policy for any of my classmates, teachers, coaches & administrators. My Terri and I live in the Piney Woods of east Texas outside of a little town named Canton which, you’ll have to trust me on this, is Owasso circa 1965-1975! Terri & I have been married since 1984 and have 4 kiddos & 13 grandchildren, 2 of which live with us who we’ve had since birth. So, we are still doing the parent thing. I have been chief legal officer for the past 18 years for 2 different healthcare companies staying very aligned with the latest in the hospital world for many years. Check out Canton’s First Monday Trade Days sometime & look me up when doing so.
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